Toddlers and the Telly: A latent profile analysis of children's television time and content and behavioral outcomes one year later in the U.S.


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IMPACT SUMMARYPrior State of Knowledge: Television content (e.g., aggressive, educational) hasbeen associated with outcomes in toddlerhood. Existing research also suggeststhat viewing aggressive or violent media content is positively associated withproblematic media use in young children.Novel Contributions: Varying outcomes existed for children based on membership in three television time/content profiles. Notably, parents of toddlers in the group viewing high levels of aggressive content reported more negative outcomes for their children including higher levels of aggressive behavior and problematic media use.Practical Implications: We encourage parents and caregivers to become aware of the television content their children are consuming, and to limit television content that is aggressive or violent in nature. Despite the ubiquity of tablets and smartphones, television remains the most frequently used screen media consumed by young children. However, it is likely that variability exists in how young children use media; for example, while some may view small amounts of aggressive content, others may view many hours each day of aggressive and prosocial media content. It is possible that differences in toddler television time and content also impact behavioral outcomes. The aims of this study were two-fold; first, we examined profiles of children's time spent watching television and media content viewed. Second, we examined longitudinal relations between media use profiles and outcomes including aggression, prosocial behavior, and problematic media use. Results suggested a three-profile solution of children's television time and content, including "Low TV content," "High child-centered content," and "High aggressive content" profiles. The "High aggressive content" group experienced higher levels of problematic media use and aggressive behavior one year later compared to other classes. The discussion focuses on implications of these findings. We urge parents to become aware of both television time and media content as they may relate to problematic media use behaviors in young children.
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Key words
Screen time,media content,toddlers,problematic media use
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