Use of microhabitats and diversity of consumed preys by Craugastor berkenbuschii (Anura: Craugastoridae) in Mexico


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We analyzed microhabitat use for different age classes between climatic seasons and compared the diversity of prey consumed by adult males and females of Craugastor berkenbuschii in a tropical stream in southeastern Mexico. The data was collected in ten transects of 100 x 15 m, separated from each other by 25 m of the distance between them. Day and night sampling was carried out monthly between September 2017 and august 2018. For each observed individual, we recorded the sex, age class, and microhabitat used at the time of the sighting. The consumed prey was extracted by means of in situ stomach washings. We registered a total of 437 individuals; 165 were adults, 162 were juveniles, and 110 were young. The microhabitats used were rock, litter, soil, trunk, branch, leaves, and root, of which rock was the most used regardless of the time of year and age classes. Twenty-one orders of prey were identified, 19 orders in females and 11 in males. The true diversity index (1D) showed similar values for males and females, with 9.67 and 9.08 respectively. The average taxonomic distinctness index (Delta+) determined that females consume a greater diversity of prey than males, with 5.12 and 4.25, respectively. The results show that the different age classes of C. berkenbuschii take advantage of a wide variety of microhabitats between climatic seasons and that there are differences between the prey consumed between adult males and females.
amphibians,dietary composition,taxonomic diversity,riparian ecosystems,endemic
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