H2 contribution to power grid stability in high renewable penetration scenarios


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The paper proposes the analysis of four different scenarios of renewables penetration (40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%) with the most affordable generators: photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. The synergy of two storage technologies, such as Li-Ion batteries and the hydrogen power-to-power solution (electrolyzer, H2 tank, and fuel cells), is evaluated to ensure the balance of the power-grid. The paper discusses the numerical Trnsys-based modeling of the smart grid. A detailed performance evaluation of each component, ac-cording to operational maps provided by manufacturers, has been performed to meet an electrical load (10 MW peak -54 GW h annual). The results of the analysis show the crucial role of the H2 system in the goal of achieving a higher renewable fraction, mainly due to the possibility of seasonal storage without the self-discharge limitation of batteries. In the 100% renewable solution the contribution of H2 is equal to 30% of the electric load.(c) 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Renewable mix,Optimization,Energy storage,Hydrogen storage,Li-ion batteries
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