In situ characterization of material extrusion printing by near-infrared spectroscopy


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Material extrusion printing of reactive resins and inks present a unique challenge due to the time-dependent nature of the rheological and chemical properties they possess. As a result, careful print optimization or pro-cess control is important to obtain consistent, high quality prints via additive manufacturing. We present the design and use of a near-infrared (NIR) flow through cell for in situ chemical monitoring of reactive resins during printing. Differences between in situ and off-line benchtop measurements are presented and highlight the need for in-line monitoring capability. Additionally, in-line extrusion force monitoring and off-line post inspection using machine vision is demonstrated. By combining NIR and extrusion force monitoring, it is possible to follow cure reaction kinetics and viscosity changes during printing. When combined with machine vision, the ability to automatically identify and quantify print artifacts can be incorporated on the printing line to enable real-time, artificial intelligence-assisted quality control of both process and product. Together, these techniques form the building blocks of an optimized closed-loop process control strategy when complex reactive inks must be used to produce printed hardware.
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Direct ink write,Process monitoring,NIR spectroscopy,Machine vision,Additive manufacturing
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