Exposure to childhood maltreatment is associated with changes in sperm small non-coding RNA and DNA methylation profiles

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2023)

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Background: Childhood maltreatment exposure (CME) increases the risk of adverse long-term health consequences for the exposed individual. Animal studies suggest that CME may also influence the health and behaviour in the next generation offspring through CME-driven epigenetic changes in the paternal germ line. The contribution of paternal early life stress on the health of the next generation in humans is not fully elucidated. Methods: In this study, we measured paternal CME using the Trauma and Distress Scale (TADS) questionnaire and mapped sperm-borne sncRNAs expression by small RNA sequencing (small RNA-seq) and DNA methylation (DNAme) in spermatozoa by reduced-representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS-seq) in males from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. The study design was a (nested) case-control study, high-TADS (TADS ≥ 39, n = 25 for DNAme and n = 14 for small RNA-seq) and low-TADS (TADS ≤ 10, n = 30 for DNAme and n = 16 for small RNA-seq)). Groups were compared to identify specific epigenetic signatures associated with TADS levels in the spermatozoa of participants. Results: Compared to the control group, high CME was associated with altered sperm sncRNA expression and DNAme profiles. Particularly, we identified several tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) and miRNAs with markedly changed levels in males with high CME. DNA methylation analysis identified several genomic regions with differentially methylated CpGs between groups. Notably, we identified two epigenetic marks related to brain development with distinct profiles between CME and controls, the miRNA hsa-mir-34c-5p and differential methylation of the region in proximity of FSCN1. Conclusions: This study provides further evidence that early life stress influences the paternal germ line epigenome and supports a possible contribution in the development of the central nervous system of the next generation. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
dna methylation,childhood maltreatment,sperm,non-coding
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