Research on DAG Based Consensus Mechanism for Adjustable Load Metering Data

Edge Computing and IoT: Systems, Management and Security(2023)

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The distributed ledger technology of blockchain can provide an efficient solution for the trustworthy problem of adjustable load metering data. However, due to the issues caused by nodal constrained resource of computation and storage, high concurrent transactions, and ledger data expansion with elapsed time, etc., it faces non-trivial challenges to design a consensus mechanism for second-level transaction data. This paper presents a shard-based DAG blockchain architecture for large-scale and distributed internet of things scenarios, where each device is a node of the network. These devices construct a multi-hop network, and by using the shard technology, some neighboring nodes belong to the same shard. The preference relationship between transactions is generated based on the shard-based DAG blockchain, and a scalable high throughput block consensus is designed such that using parallel treatment of transactions the throughput of blockchain can be significantly improved. Finally, to improve the limited computation and storage capability, we use container edge service engine in system design.
Container Edge Service,Adjustable Load Metering Data,DAG,Blockchain
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