Harnessing the magnetic proximity effect: induced spin polarization in Ni/Si interfaces

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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The investigation of the properties of metal-semiconductor interfaces has gained significant attention due to the unique features that emerge from the combination of both metal and semiconductor attributes. In this report, the magnetic properties of Ni/Si interfaces utilizing X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectroscopy at the Ni and Si edges have been studied. This approach allows to distinguish unambiguously the local magnetism on Ni and Si via individual core-level excitations. Two samples with different semiconductor dopings were investigated using both total electron yield (TEY) and reflectivity configurations. The experimental results uncovered magnetization at equilibrium in both the metallic layer and in the proximal layer of the semiconductor substrate, implying the presence of induced spin polarization in Si at equilibrium, possibly arising from the depletion layer region. These results hold significant value in the field of spintronics, as similar systems have been demonstrated to generate spin injection through optical medium, opening a new pathway for next generation nonvolatile high speed devices.
spin polarization,magnetic proximity effect
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