Fast Model Update for IoT Traffic Anomaly Detection With Machine Unlearning

IEEE Internet of Things Journal(2023)

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It is often needed to update deep learning-based detection models in traffic anomaly detection systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) because of mislabeled samples or device firmware upgrades. Machine unlearning, a technique that quickly updates the anomaly detection model without retraining the model from scratch, has recently attracted much research attention. We propose a novel machine unlearning method, called virtual federated learning approach (ViFLa), which groups training data based on estimated unlearning probability and treats each group as a virtual client in the federated learning framework. Since the virtual clients are physically in the same machine, ViFLa only leverages the concept of data/local models isolation in federated learning without incurring any network communication. ViFLa adopts an attention-based aggregation method called enhanced class distribution weighted sum (ECDWS) to tackle the nonindependent and identically distributed (non-iid) data problem caused by the data grouping strategy. It also introduces a new state transition ring mechanism into the statistical query (SQ) learning framework to update the local model of each virtual client quickly. Using real-world IoT traffic data, we showcase the benefit of ViFLa regarding its efficiency and completeness for model updates in the context of IoT traffic anomaly detection.
Internet of Things (IoT) traffic anomaly detection,machine unlearning,model update
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