The Readiness of EVN Telescopes for the SKA-VLBI Era


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The application of VLBI to scientific problems has undergone a relentless expansion since its conception, yet the potential for further expansion is still large. We are on the cusp of revolutionary progress given the arrival of a host of next-generation instruments. Over the last few years the community has been working hard to ensure the SKA design includes the capability to enable multiple simultaneous tied-array beams, which is a crucial technology to deliver ultra-precise astrometry and improve survey speed capabilities. However, to reach the full potential requires that the network of antennas is upgraded to match the SKA capabilities. We identify multiple-pixel technology, on large telescopes and connected arrays, as a crucial missing component and here will make recommendations for the upgrade path of the partner EVN (and other network) telescopes. Our feasibility studies on SKA-VLBI suggest an order of magnitude improvement in the precision and also in the frequency range at which astrometry can be performed today, if the full network has the required capabilities.
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