Empathy and Occupational Health and Well-Being in Ecuadorian Physicians Working with COVID-19 Patients: A Mixed-Method Study.

Estefan Matiz-Moya,Roberto C Delgado Bolton, Esperanza García-Gómez,Luis Vivanco

Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

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Approximately one out of ten COVID-19 cases in Ecuador was a physician. It has been reported that this situation has led to a serious detriment of physicians' health and well-being. This study aimed to (i) identify predictors of emotional exhaustion, somatization, and work alienation in Ecuadorian physicians working with COVID-19 patients and (ii) explore the pandemic impact on doctor-patient relationships and on empathy. In 79 Ecuadorian physicians (45 women) who worked with COVID-19 patients, two separate multiple regression models explained the following: 73% of the variability of emotional exhaustion was based on somatization, work alienation, working sector, and passing through a symptomatic infection ( < 0.001), and 56% of the variability of somatization was based on gender and emotional exhaustion ( < 0.001), respectively. Furthermore, intention to leave the profession was more frequent among physicians with greater work alienation ( = 0.003). On the contrary, more empathic physicians never considered leaving their profession during the COVID-19 pandemic ( = 0.03). In physicians' verbatim, cognitive empathy appeared associated to a positive change in doctor-patient relationships. On the contrary, having an overwhelming emotional empathy appeared associated to a negative change in doctor-patient relationships. These findings characterize differences in how physicians cope while working in the frontline of the pandemic.
COVID-19,doctor-patient relationship,emotional exhaustion,empathy,somatization,work alienation
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