Zero-shot Transfer Learning of Driving Policy via Socially Adversarial Traffic Flow


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Acquiring driving policies that can transfer to unseen environments is challenging when driving in dense traffic flows. The design of traffic flow is essential and previous studies are unable to balance interaction and safety-criticism. To tackle this problem, we propose a socially adversarial traffic flow. We propose a Contextual Partially-Observable Stochastic Game to model traffic flow and assign Social Value Orientation (SVO) as context. We then adopt a two-stage framework. In Stage 1, each agent in our socially-aware traffic flow is driven by a hierarchical policy where upper-level policy communicates genuine SVOs of all agents, which the lower-level policy takes as input. In Stage 2, each agent in the socially adversarial traffic flow is driven by the hierarchical policy where upper-level communicates mistaken SVOs, taken by the lower-level policy trained in Stage 1. Driving policy is adversarially trained through a zero-sum game formulation with upper-level policies, resulting in a policy with enhanced zero-shot transfer capability to unseen traffic flows. Comprehensive experiments on cross-validation verify the superior zero-shot transfer performance of our method.
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socially adversarial
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