Hand Grasp Classification in Egocentric Video After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury.

IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics(2024)

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OBJECTIVE:The hand function of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) plays a crucial role in their independence and quality of life. Wearable cameras provide an opportunity to analyze hand function in non-clinical environments. Summarizing the video data and documenting dominant hand grasps and their usage frequency would allow clinicians to quickly and precisely analyze hand function. METHOD:We introduce a new hierarchical model to summarize the grasping strategies of individuals with SCI at home. The first level classifies hand-object interaction using hand-object contact estimation. We developed a new deep model in the second level by incorporating hand postures and hand-object contact points using contextual information. RESULTS:In the first hierarchical level, a mean of 86% ±1.0% was achieved among 17 participants. At the grasp classification level, the mean average accuracy was 66.2 ±12.9%. The grasp classifier's performance was highly dependent on the participants, with accuracy varying from 41% to 78%. The highest grasp classification accuracy was obtained for the model with smoothed grasp classification, using a ResNet50 backbone architecture for the contextual head and a temporal pose head. DISCUSSION:We introduce a novel algorithm that, for the first time, enables clinicians to analyze the quantity and type of hand movements in individuals with spinal cord injury at home. The algorithm can find applications in other research fields, including robotics, and most neurological diseases that affect hand function, notably, stroke and Parkinson's.
egocentric video,cervical spinal cord injury,spinal cord,hand
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