PAXQA: Generating Cross-lingual Question Answering Examples at Training Scale.


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Existing question answering (QA) systems owe much of their success to large, high-quality training data. Such annotation efforts are costly, and the difficulty compounds in the cross-lingual setting. Therefore, prior cross-lingual QA work has focused on releasing evaluation datasets, and then applying zero-shot methods as baselines. In this work, we propose a synthetic data generation method for cross-lingual QA which leverages indirect supervision from existing parallel corpora. Our method termed PAXQA ({P}rojecting {a}nnotations for cross-lingual ({x}) QA) decomposes cross-lingual QA into two stages. In the first stage, we apply a question generation (QG) model to the English side. In the second stage, we apply annotation projection to translate both the questions and answers. To better translate questions, we propose a novel use of lexically-constrained machine translation, in which constrained entities are extracted from the parallel bitexts. We release cross-lingual QA datasets across 4 languages, totaling 662K QA examples. We then show that extractive QA models fine-tuned on these datasets outperform both zero-shot and prior synthetic data generation models, showing the sufficient quality of our generations. We find that the largest performance gains are for cross-lingual directions with non-English questions and English contexts. Ablation studies show that our dataset generation method is relatively robust to noise from automatic word alignments.
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