Entanglement entropy for scale-invariant states: universal finite-size scaling

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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A universal finite system-size scaling analysis of the entanglement entropy is presented for highly degenerate ground states arising from spontaneous symmetry breaking with type-B Goldstone modes in exactly solvable one-dimensional quantum many-body systems. These states appear to be scale-invariant, but not conformally invariant. Our findings are based on a physical argument, imposing three constraints on the entanglement entropy, in addition to further confirmation from an asymptotic analysis of the entanglement entropy for the ${\rm SU}(2)$ spin-$1/2$ ferromagnetic states. The resulting universal scaling form is demonstrated for three fundamental models -- the ${\rm SU}(2)$ spin-$s$ Heisenberg ferromagnetic model, the ${\rm SU}(N+1)$ ferromagnetic model, and the staggered ${\rm SU}(3)$ spin-1 ferromagnetic biquadratic model. The results point towards a classification for distinct types of scale-invariant states, relevant to a complete classification of quantum states of matter.
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Key words
entanglement entropy,scaling,scale-invariant,finite-size
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