An approach for carbon content measurement in marine sediment: Application of organic and elemental carbon analyzer

Marine Environmental Research(2023)

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Organic and Elemental Carbon (OEC) is widely applied in the atmospheric sciences for determining carbon content and distinguishing black carbon contents of aerosols, with an advantage that OEC-based approach can provide thermograms derived from carbonaceous material. It is potential to adopt the advantage to measure the content and composition of organic carbon (OC)% in marine sediments. Here, we utilized the OEC analyzer to measure the OC% in marine sediment based on the pyrolytic oxidation principle, and obtain the OC-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) thermograms. We examined marine sediments and reference materials to understand the stability and reproducibility of OC% measurements using our approach. The findings indicate that the OC% results (ranging from 1.44 to 1.59%, ave. 1.55 ± 0.03%, n = 64) based on this approach are accurate. In addition, CO2 concentration thermograms obtained by repeated measurements exhibit a strong reproducibility. Our approach can thus provide the concentrations of thermally-evolved CO2 with increasing heating temperature to deeply understand the reactivities of OC and the compositions in sediments. We suggest that the OEC-based OC% measurement is credible when samples preparation is well-performed (e.g., suitable sample mass and uniformly distributed loading). To sum up, we provide a means to accurately determine the OC% in marine sediments in terms of the ramped-pyrolysis principle.
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