The first recent case of Cimex hemipterus (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) with super-kdr mutations in the Republic of Korea.

Susie Cho,E-Hyun Shin, Ho Cheol Ju, Eui Seok Jeong,Si Hyeock Lee,Ju Hyeon Kim

Journal of medical entomology(2023)

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With the increase in international travel and trade, in conjunction with the development of insecticide resistance, infestations of Cimex lectularius (L.) and Cimex hemipterus (F.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) have resurged globally in the last 2 decades. Recently, it was reported that C. hemipterus was also found in temperate regions, indicating the possibility of its expansion outside tropical regions. Cimex hemipterus has not been officially recorded in Korea since its initial description in 1934. Here, we report the first recent case of C. hemipterus in Korea based on morphological and molecular identification. Partial sequencing of the voltage-sensitive sodium channel gene revealed super-kdr mutations (M918I and L1014F) that are associated with pyrethroid resistance. This case report serves as a warning to intensify the bed bug surveillance system in Korea regarding the presence of C. hemipterus and to prepare effective alternative insecticides for pyrethroids.
COI gene,insecticide resistance,knockdown resistance,tropical bed bug,voltage-sensitive sodium channel
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