Community overdose surveillance: Fentanyl involvement in overdose deaths in rural Michigan


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Purpose: Examine fatal overdose toxicology trends to contribute toward understanding the outreach and treatment needs of people who use drugs in rural areas. Methods: We describe toxicology results from overdose deaths that occurred between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2020, in 11 rural counties in Michigan, a state with relatively high rates of overdose mortality. One-way ANOVA with Tukey's HSD posthoc tests were used to test statistically significant differences in the frequency of substances detected between years. Findings: Decedents ( N = 107) were male (72.9%), White (96.3%), non-military (96.3%), unemployed (71.0%), married (73.9%), and had a mean age of 47 years old. The number of observed overdose deaths increased considerably from 2019 to 2020, with an increase of 72.4%. Fentanyl was the most common substance detected and had a 94% increase during the three-year period to present in 70% of all the deaths in these counties in 2020. Among the deaths we examined where cocaine was detected, 69% also contained fentanyl, and in deaths where methamphetamine was detected, 77% also contained fentanyl. Conclusion: Findings could inform rural health and outreach initiatives aimed at reducing overdose risks by providing education on the risks of stimulant and opioid couse but also the widespread saturation of illicit drugs that contain fentanyl. Lowthreshold harm reduction interventions are discussed amid limited prevention and treatment resources in rural communities.
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