In-depth analysis benefital effect of probiotics and fatty acids in anesis of depression


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Abstract Depression is the most prevalent presenting psychiatric symptom among individuals of all ages and backgrounds, affecting approximately 300 million people worldwide. Therefore, it deserves a great deal of attention when it comes to management. An increasing body of evidence reveals that probiotics and fatty acids can improve with depression. However, the viewpoint claims that there is no effect on depression. Network meta-analyses of existing datasets provide for the estimation of comparative efficacy, the summation and interpretation of the wider context of the evidence base, and the understanding of the relative merits of different interventions. As a reason, the objective of this study was to undertake a meta-analysis to explore current evidence for probiotic or fatty acid depression therapy in order to establish a feasible option for depression patients. Data for probiotics were retrieved from 7 RCT studies (n = 394) and fatty acids from 24 RCT studies (n = 1876). The findings indicated that intervention outperforms control.
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