Liver transplant in a patient with classic galactosemia

Andrea Cortes Fernandez, Mary Kate LoPiccolo, Emily Shelkowitz,Sommer Gaughan,Shikha Sundaram,Peter Baker


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Decellularization is one of a promising technique in the field of biomaterials based on the idea of using an acellular construct, here the organ / tissue itself, as a biocompatible and biological construct. In the decellularization process, the main objective is to preserve the structural and functional properties while removing living cells. In the current paper, we describe an electrochemical method for soft tissue decellularization at a specific voltages and time intervals, as well as further DNA, GAG, protein determinations, and histological examinations for the determination of decellularization efficacy. The approach proposed here, is:•Successful decellularization can be achieved by exposing the tissues to fewer chemicals than the traditional methods.•A facile and fast decellularization process long less than a day•An easy decellularization technique that may be applied to soft tissues
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classic galactosemia,liver
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