HGWaveNet: A Hyperbolic Graph Neural Network for Temporal Link Prediction


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Temporal link prediction, aiming to predict future edges between paired nodes in a dynamic graph, is of vital importance in diverse applications. However, existing methods are mainly built upon uniform Euclidean space, which has been found to be conflict with the power-law distributions of real-world graphs and unable to represent the hierarchical connections between nodes effectively. With respect to the special data characteristic, hyperbolic geometry offers an ideal alternative due to its exponential expansion property. In this paper, we propose HGWaveNet, a novel hyperbolic graph neural network that fully exploits the fitness between hyperbolic spaces and data distributions for temporal link prediction. Specifically, we design two key modules to learn the spatial topological structures and temporal evolutionary information separately. On the one hand, a hyperbolic diffusion graph convolution (HDGC) module effectively aggregates information from a wider range of neighbors. On the other hand, the internal order of causal correlation between historical states is captured by hyperbolic dilated causal convolution (HDCC) modules. The whole model is built upon the hyperbolic spaces to preserve the hierarchical structural information in the entire data flow. To prove the superiority of HGWaveNet, extensive experiments are conducted on six real-world graph datasets and the results show a relative improvement by up to 6.67% on AUC for temporal link prediction over SOTA methods.
hyperbolic graph neural network,temporal link
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