The relationship between CD4+ T cell glycolysis and their functions.

Siyi Liu,Shan Liao,Lin Liang, Jun Deng,Yanhong Zhou

Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM(2023)

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CD4+ T cells are effector T cells (Teffs) produced by the differentiation of initial T cells in peripheral lymphoid tissue after being attacked by antigens, and have an indispensable role in the development and activation of B cells and CD8+ T cells to regulate and assist immunity. In this review, we provide a new perspective on the relationship between CD4+ T cell glycolysis and its function. We summarize the effects of changes in the glycolysis level of CD4+ T cells on their activation, differentiation, proliferation, and survival. In addition, we emphasize that regulation of the glycolysis level of CD4+ T cells changes their inflammatory phenotypes and function. The study of immune metabolism has received more attention recently, but more work is needed to answer many open questions.
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