Whole-genome sequencing for surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Ecuador: present and future implications

Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública(2023)

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Whole-genome sequencing is becoming the gold standard for pathogen characterization and offers consid-erable advantages for understanding the evolution and dissemination of new determinants of antimicrobial resistance. Despite the benefits of whole-genome sequencing for pathogen characterization, implementation costs and lack of expertise may limit its use by public health laboratories. This article reviews the advantages of whole-genome sequencing for pathogen characterization and the current status of the use of whole-ge-nome sequencing for antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Ecuador. A roadmap is suggested for including whole-genome sequencing for pathogen characterization based on the needs of the health reference insti-tutions through alliances with Ecuadorian universities. Establishing a partnership between public health institutions and academia would be valuable for clinicians, policy-makers, and epidemiologists who could then take reasonable measures in those areas and establish a basis for adapting One Health strategies to tackle antimicrobial resistance in Ecuador.
Environmental health surveillance,drug resistance,microbial,whole genome sequencing,Ecuador
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