Preliminary Study on the Rainfall-Runoff Inundation and Its Economic Lost at Bekasi River Basin, West Jawa

Ilvi Fauziyah Cahyaningtiyas, Meuthia Djoharin, Tiara Grace, Azalea Eugenie, Evie Aviantie, Rizki Amaliyah, Elenora Gita Alamanda Sapan, Fanny Meliani,Reni Sulistyowati,Hari Priyadi,Sopia Lestari,Doni Fernando

2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS)(2022)

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Flood disasters in Bekasi City almost occur every year, especially during high rainfall with a fairly long duration. Repeated flooding events due to extreme rainfall in Bekasi River Basin can be simulated using a distributed hydrological model. Rainfall-Runoff Inundation (RRI) model is a two-dimensional hydrological model capable of simulating rainfall-runoff and flood inundation simultaneously. The input data used in this study is extreme rainfall data derived from GSMaP satellite rainfall data, topography, and land derived from satellite remote sensing data. In this paper, we analyze the flood simulation in the Kali Bekasi watershed when extreme rainfall occurred on July 14, 15 and 16, 2022. On that date we found flooding in several areas including the Bekasi River Basin. From the results of the flood simulation data processing, it is then calculated how much economic loss due to the flood disaster occurred.
Flood,RRI Model,Watershed,Economic Loss
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