Research on Arc Discharge Contour Extraction in Transformer Insulating Oil in Low Brightness Environment

2022 4th International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems (SPIES)(2022)

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Transformer oil plays the role of insulation and cooling. Most of the existing technologies for arc shape monitoring and contour extraction are aimed at the arc in air or vacuum, which is quite different from the liquid phase discharge environment of insulating oil. The former has high light brightness under the environmental conditions and is less subject to environmental interference. There is no interference from the insulating cardboard in the transformer and small bubbles distributed in the oil, so it is less difficult to monitor the arc contour and extract the image. Some methods photograph the combustion of electric arc, but the processing of the arc image is to smooth the noise through mean filtering. This algorithm belongs to a traditional simplified processing, and the processing effect of image noise. So, this paper presents a method for extracting the arc contour in transformer insulating oil in low brightness environment.
Discharge in oil,Contour extraction,Multiscale algorithm,Edge detection
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