Learning Techniques for Depression Detection: A Comparative Studies

Arnab Das, Mrinal Kanti Debbarama,Rabindra K. Barik

2023 International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Advanced Computing and Communication (ISACC)(2023)

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Depression is a common mental problem that can fundamentally affect individuals' emotional wellness as well as their everyday lives. After COVID-19 other pandemics and subsequent social isolation this issue is more potent than ever. Numerous research works have been going on searching for methods that effectively recognize depression in order to detect depression. In this regard, a number of studies have been proposed. In this study, it examines a number of previous ones utilizing various Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for depression detection. In addition, various methods for determining an individual's mood and emotion are discussed. This study also discusses how facial expression, voice, gesture can be understood by chatbot and classified it as a depressed person or not. Addition to this, it reviews all the related research works and evaluates their methods to detect depression.
depression,detection,machine learning,artificial intelligence
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