Machine Learning-based Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability Response in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Vazeer Ali Mohammed, Mehmood Ali Mohammed,Murtuza Ali Mohammed,J. Logeshwaran,Nasmin Jiwani

2023 Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS)(2023)

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At present, various electronic devices are used to monitor human heart rates. However, its functions are to avoid predicting the problems caused by heart rate variability in advance and analyzing its implications. It makes it difficult to diagnose problems caused by heart rate variability. A human should have an average heart rate of 72. At the same time, the newborn's heart should beat between 120 and 160 beats per minute. A baby born with autism spectrum disorder may have a lower-than-average heart rate. Complete blockage of the heart at birth is rare. Abnormal heart rate leads to heart block. So, there is a high chance of the child's death due to permanent heart blockage at any time. Most heart diseases in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are present at birth. A significant congenital disability is a hole in the heart. Many people do not realize that having holes in the heart is a common occurrence. Before the baby is born, tiny holes form in the muscular wall that divides the heart into the right and left halves. This paper proposed Machine Learning-Based Evaluation to identify the Heart Rate Variability Response in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The reasons for this are yet to be identified. However, 70 per cent of perforations resolve spontaneously before or after birth. Exceptionally, Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with perforations that do not close properly may require surgery or a perforator brace, depending on the location and size of the perforation.
Heart rate,Autism,Spectrum Disorder (ASD),Blockage,Birth,Congenital,Disability
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