Influence of Quantum Computing on IoT Using Modern Algorithms

2022 4th International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE)(2022)

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Even while the Internet of Things (IoT) already affects our day-to-day activities, its future relevance and potential for transformation remain untapped. Security issues with present communications technology must be solved before secure end-to-end connection between services can be achieved. Internet of Things (IoT) is here to stay. In the next years, it will become an integral part of our everyday life. There is a good chance that sensor-based networks can recognize it as a direct service provider in our surroundings. Even if it's just in the form of a value-added service delivered through cellular networks, it's going to be helpful nevertheless. It is, nevertheless, subject to a wide range of security threats. The current level of security is insufficient for IoT applications in the future. A secure cryptosystem is needed for the Internet of Things. quantum-based security has seen a surge of attention recently. Additional quantum key distribution systems and network services are now supported by this solution. As a result of the quantum computing's unrivaled security level, it has become more popular in recent years. Because every measurement must affect the state of the quantum bit being sent, quantum physics dictates that this must be the case. Regardless of whether the sender or recipient is aware of the change, it is clear. It is thus no longer possible to listen passively. Polarized photons may encode a string of bits using protocols like BB84. Secure cryptographic keys may be generated over an unsafe channel utilizing various key distillation procedures.
Quantum Computing,IoT,Security,Communication
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