An Intelligent Cable Core Temperature Abnormal Data Cleaning Method Considering Current-Carrying Temperature Rise Characteristics

2022 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES)(2022)

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With the digitalization, informatization and intelligent development of the power grid, the data transmission quality requirements of electrical equipment are getting higher and higher. Intelligent cable technology of distribution network based on innovative sensor technology is gradually emerging and developing. Temperature data is a vital indicator of the operating conditions of the cable, and communication "pollution" such as data missing, errors and omissions will be generated during the transmission and communication process. This paper proposes a data cleaning method for the abnormal temperature data of intelligent cable that considers the characteristics of the temperature rise of the cable. Based on the characteristics, the interpolation method is used to complete the missing data, and then through the consistency comparison of the temperature and current fitting curves, the processed temperature data is supplied to the operation and maintenance platform after passing through the filter circuit to ensure the accuracy of the data.
intelligent cable,data cleaning,temperature rise characteristics
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