Network Partition Method for Reactive-voltage Control Considering Reactive Power Balance Based on Community Structure Theory

2022 Asia Power and Electrical Technology Conference (APET)(2022)

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With the massive integration of renewable distributed generations, reactive-voltage control may face difficulties due to the imbalance of reactive power supply and demand in control zone. A new network partition method based on community structure is proposed, which considers the reactive power balance of the zone. This method treats network partition as community partition, where the edges correspond to reactive-voltage sensitivities and the modularity function is extended with indexes reflecting reactive power balance. The traditional searching method for optimal community structure is improved to find the optimal partition. The effectiveness of the method is verified in the IEEE-33 and IEEE-39 bus systems. Case studies show that the proposed method can obtain the optimal partition number adaptively and ensure the balance between reactive power supply and demand in the zone.
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network partition,reactive power balance,reactive power supply,reactive power demand,community structure,reactive-voltage control
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