Compact Wideband Wearable Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna for 5G Applications

2022 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM)(2022)

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In this paper, a compact wearable antipodal Vivaldi antenna resonating at 3.5 GHz is proposed for 5G n77 and n78 bands. It is designed on a flexible polyester substrate with a dielectric constant (ɛ r ) of 2 and loss tangent (tan δ) of 0.005. The antenna parameters were optimized via parametric analyses using CST software with a size of 33 × 33 mm 2 (length × width). The antenna is evaluated in terms of reflection coefficient (S 11 ), gain, efficiency, radiation pattern and surface current density and its reflection coefficient is verified with measurement. This antenna attained a maximum simulated gain of 4.17 dBi and an efficiency of 98.18 % in the resonating band.
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Wearable technology,Antipodal Vivaldi,Sub-6,Flexible antenna,5G application,polyester
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