Selection of a Photovoltaic Carport Power for an Electric Vehicle


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The increasing number of electric vehicles is forcing new solutions in the field of charging infrastructure. One such solution is photovoltaic carports, which have a double task. Firstly, they enable the generation of electricity to charge vehicles, and secondly, they protect the vehicle against the excessive heating of its interior. This article presents the functioning of a small carport for charging an electric vehicle. Attention is drawn to the problems of selecting the peak power of the photovoltaic system for charging an electric vehicle. An economic and energy analysis is carried out for the effective use of photovoltaic carports. In this article, we present the use of the Metalog family of distributions to predict the production of electricity by a photovoltaic carport with the accuracy of probability distribution.
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photovoltaic carport,electric vehicle,power,green energy,environmental indicators,Metalog
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