Enhanced Care Units: Guidance on development and implementation within Acute Medicine.

Nicholas Smallwood, Sanjay Krishnamoorthy, Kathleen Bonnici, Tim Wenham, Sarah Dyson, Hattie Jones,Andrew Walden, Jennie Stephens, Jan Basey, Tash Kelly, Kirsten Evans, Paul Dean

Acute medicine(2023)

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The Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) and Intensive Care Society (ICS) have produced joint guidance on the standards of care and infrastructure required to deliver enhanced care within Acute Medicine. The cohort of patients this relates to are in the most part already being looked after on the AMU, but co-location and providing enhanced monitoring and nursing input will ensure safe, high-quality care can be delivered to them. We strongly support the development of enhanced care units, whilst clearly acknowledging that they are not a replacement for critical care where that is indicated. Enhanced care and critical care complement each other and will help foster the close working between the two specialties that modern acute care requires. This guidance draws on expertise and existing relevant guidance from the two societies, alongside that from the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM), British Thoracic Society (BTS), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and NHS England / Improvement (NHSE/I). We recognise this is an area with limited evidence and so will aim to review it regularly as the knowledge and experience in this area increases.
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