JSGuide: A Tool to Improve JavaScript Algorithms Focusing on IoT Devices.


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JavaScript language (JS) was initially designed for browsers, but currently, it is applied to several contexts, such as server-side programming, mobile applications, games, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices are constrained in processing, memory, storage, and power consumption. Thus, developers need to consider their restrictions on embedded software development. However, to achieve great performance is necessary to have high knowledge about the programming language and device limitations, preferably without forgetting design-time qualities like readability, maintainability, and code reuse. This paper introduces JSGuide, a tool to produce guidelines focusing on embedded software for JavaScript language. We investigate which techniques or JS language aspects can enhance the application in performance, memory usage, security, and maintainability. The tool was developed in Java and performs static code analyses over embedded software for flaw detection. As a result, the software produces a report that points out all the points in the source code that can be reviewed. Our finding shows that the application can improve its performance if suggested modifications are applied.
JavaScript,Internet of Things,code smells,Static Code Analysis
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