Investigating the effect of abusive supervision on work engagement through the role of employee creativity: the moderating effect of interpersonal communication competence


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This study investigates the negative effect of abusive supervision on employees' work engagement via the mediating role of employee creativity and examines how interpersonal communication competence (ICC) buffers the negative effect of abusive supervision on work engagement and employee creativity. The Conservation of Resources (COR) theory was employed to explain the theoretical model. Data were collected from employees working in various organisations. Participants were recruited using a combination of recruitment methods and completed the survey via an online platform. Five hundred fifteen (55.7% were male) responses were included after dropping participants who failed to complete all three phases of data collection and the attention check items. The measurement model analysis suggested that the theoretical model was supported. The results supported all hypotheses in this study. Abusive supervision negatively predicted work engagement and employee creativity. In addition, the negative effect of abusive supervision on employee creativity and work engagement was stronger for those with low ICC. This study also found that the indirect negative effect of abusive supervision on work engagement through employee creativity was stronger for employees with low than high ICC. Discussion, implications, and limitations are included.
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Key words
Abusive supervision,interpersonal communication,creativity,work engagement,employees
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