Divergent patterns of intraspecific trait variation among floral and vegetative characters in the hyperdominant dioecious Neotropical tree Virola sebifera (Myristicaceae)


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Many Neotropical tree species are widespread at continental and even inter-continental scales, but phenotypic variation across their respective ranges has rarely been quantified. We measured traits in the widespread, unisexual Neotropical tree Virola sebifera (Myristicaceae) across its continental-scale range, and predicted that, given its hyperdominant status, generalist-pollinated flower type, high dispersal capacity and wide ecological amplitude there would be: (1) a weak relationship among and within reproductive and vegetative characters with environmental, spatial and biome correlates; (2) undetectable canalization of reproductive traits; and (3) high phenotypic variation of vegetative characters. We measured five foliar and seven floral traits from 187 male-expressing individuals of V. sebifera in specimens collected from Central to South America. Spatial regression models were employed to test for the importance of distance, elevation, mean annual rainfall and temperature on phenotypic variation. Pairwise correlations of vegetative and reproductive characters were calculated to examine intraspecific trait variation among and within these two classes. We found that most phenotypic variation was weakly explained by spatial predictors such as certain major South American domains like the Andes Cordillera and the Amazon Basin. Within-class comparisons of floral characters were no different than among-class (floral-foliar) correlates, suggesting the absence of canalization of reproductive structures. Greater phenotypic variation in flowers relative to leaves may be due to the generalist pollinator regime and high dispersal capacity thus relaxing divergences in the evolutionary process of its floral morphology. The results of these morphometric analyses (e.g. weak signals of isolation by distance) in combination with the biology of this Neotropical tree suggest that V. sebifera operates as a well-dispersed metapopulation across most of its range.
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Key words
Amazon,morphology,nutmeg,phenotypic plasticity,rainforest,spatial regression models,Tropics
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