Method and Experimental Study of Zeolite Crystal Manipulation Based in Hydrodynamic Forces for Single Crystal Assessment


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In this work, we report an optofluidic system for manipulation of orientation of zeolite crystals near the bottom of a rectangular cross-sectional, straight, quartz microfluidic channel. Manipulation is accomplished by using two computer-controlled syringe pumps that generate adequate hydrodynamic forces for translation and rotation of crystals. Rotation of a crystal around its longitudinal axis allows us to inspect its four major faces for defects. Coffin-shaped zeolite crystals have been studied by several authors by fixing them to a substrate, using two different crystals to assess the roof and gable orientations. The proposed system permits complete assessment of a single crystal by shifting it between roof and gable orientations; moreover the medium can be controlled. Computational fluid dynamics simulations show that crystals in free motion near the bottom of the channel should move faster than the velocity estimated from video. An opposing force, which prevents the crystals from moving freely, has been calculated in order to match translation velocities from simulations and experiments for three given flow rates. The reported optofluidic system is proposed as a novel tool that we believe will open new possibilities for individual zeolite crystal assessment by manipulation of its orientation and medium control.
microfluidics,hydrodynamic force,zeolite crystal,manipulation
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