Continuous Measurements and Source Apportionment of Ambient PM2.5-Bound Elements in Windsor, Canada


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Ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, are impacted by local emissions and regional/transboundary transport input and also attributable to secondary formation. PM2.5-bound elements were monitored hourly in Windsor from April to October 2021. Observed concentrations of the elements were generally comparable to historical measurements at urban sites in Ontario. A clear diurnal pattern was observed for most of the elements, i.e., high in the morning and low in the afternoon, mostly related to evolution of atmospheric mixing heights and local anthropogenic activities. Conversely, sulfur showed elevated levels in the afternoon, suggesting conversion of gaseous sulfur dioxide to particulate sulphate was enhanced by increased ambient temperatures. Five source factors were resolved using the US EPA positive matrix factorization model, including three traffic-related sources (i.e., vehicular exhaust, crustal dust, and vehicle tire and brake wear factors) and two industrial sources (i.e., coal/heavy oil burning and metal processing factors). Overall, the three traffic-related sources were mostly local and contributed to 47% of the total elemental concentrations, while the two industrial sources may originate from regional/transboundary sources and contributed to 53%. Measures to control both local traffic emissions and regional/transboundary industrial sources would help reduce levels of PM2.5-bound elements in Windsor.
PM2 5,trace elements,diurnal variability,source apportionment,positive matrix factorization
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