Review on exotic Bondar’s nesting whitefly, Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi infestation on multiple cropping system


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Between 2016 and 2020, seven new whitefly species were uncovered in the tropical Southern region of India, wrecking chaos among producers in certain invasive whitefly instances. The repercussions of climate change, improved free trade practices between countries, increased intercontinental migration, enhanced exim operations for planting supplies, etc., may have led to insect invasions. A limited number of invasive insect species only swelled to unmanageable proportions when entered into new geographic locations. Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly (BNW), Paraleyrodes bondari Peracchi (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a native of Brazil to Honduras, was one such species. In May 2017, BNW noticed from the Indian Andaman and Nicobar islands, by December 2018 reached Indian mainland Kerala. Because of its co-existence with other whiteflies and cryptic appearance, BNW identification at immature stages can be challenging and may call for specific instruments and methods. Global analysis of BNW mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COI) indicated the presence of highly homogenous population. BNW is polyphagous, co-lives with other whiteflies and feeds by desapping from adaxial leaf surfaces of perennial and seasonal plants, crops, weeds etc., thus promoting sickliness. The land areas invaded and host plants exploited have increased within a short span from its introduction. BNW has no known parasitoids, and only non-specific predators utilize them. The presence of an intensive BNW population warrants frequent adoption of pest control practices. Even though insecticides bring down whiteflies, it is not the sole panacea. The information pertinent to BNW and its sustainable control is limited and scattered. These details mandate reviewing them concerning poly-crop systems practised in tropical ecosystems. This review discusses the possibilities of BNW becoming a significant pest of crops in tropical Indian mainlands and its management prospects.
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Paraleyrodes bondari
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