A Static Reduced-Order Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimator for Noise Identification

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems(2023)

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A reduced-order multiple-model (MM) estimator for noise identification in dynamic stochastic systems is developed. The unknown noise statistics are assumed to be static. While a standard static MM estimator does not grow exponentially over time, its computational complexity grows exponentially with the number of modes. The proposed algorithm reduces the computational complexity of MM estimation from exponential to polynomial by constructing a significantly smaller set of mode models, which are updated every time step. It is assumed that the constructed mode models do not change significantly between time steps, which in turn holds if the smoothness of the mode probabilities is guaranteed. It is shown that in the case where there is “enough” statistical distinction between the noise modes, the proposed reduced-order MM estimator converges to the standard MM estimator. The proposed reduced-order MM estimator is evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations, showing that it performs nearly similar to the standard MM estimator with a fraction of its complexity. The numerical example shows less than a 2% increase in the root mean-squared errors of the reduced-order MM estimator from the standard one, while the reduction in the number of filters in the reduced-order MM estimator is 300%. To further validate the proposed filter, experimental results are presented of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) navigating with terrestrial signals of opportunity. Opportunistic navigation serves a relevant application for MM-based estimation, as system parameters, namely the statistics of the clock error dynamics of opportunistic sources, are unknown and must be adaptively estimated. The experimental results show a UAV navigating for more than 5 min over a trajectory of more than 3 km, achieving a final position error of 6.21 m obtained using the standard MM estimator versus a final position error of 6.25 m obtained using the proposed reduced-order MM estimator. A standard extended Kalman filter was implemented for comparative analysis, showing a final error of 40.03 m. In the experiments, the reduced-order MM estimator was implemented with 16 filters, while the standard MM was implemented with 256 filters.
Adaptive estimation,multiple-model (MM) estimation,navigation,noise identification,signals of opportunity (SOPs)
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