UnifiedFace: A Uniform Margin Loss Function for Face Recognition


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Face recognition has achieved great success due to the development of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) and loss functions based on margin. However, complex DCNNs bring a large number of parameters as well as computational effort, which pose a significant challenge to resource-constrained embedded devices. Meanwhile, the popular margin-based loss functions all introduce only one type of margin and cannot further introduce a larger margin to achieve tighter classification boundary. In contrast to the common approach, we believe that additive and multiplicative margins should be used jointly to introduce larger margins from the margin perspective. Therefore, we propose a new margin-based loss function called UnifiedFace. First, we introduce an additive margin in the target angle activation function. Second, we add a multiplicative margin in the non-target angle. UnifiedFace introduces both additive and multiplicative margins, allowing for the introduction of large margins to achieve more compact intra-class variance and closer separated inter-class variance. In addition, we specifically design efficient face recognition models called GhostFaceNet for resource-constrained embedded devices. Experimental results demonstrate that UnifiedFace achieves state-of-the-art performance or performance competed with popular methods in training datasets of different sizes. UnifiedFace achieves optimal performance in models of varying complexity. Moreover, competitive results are achieved in the large-scale test set IJBB/C, especially the state-of-the-art performance achieved in TAR (FAR=1e-6). GhostFaceNet can significantly improve operational efficiency without significantly degrading recognition performance, making it ideal for embedded devices with limited resources.
addition margin,multiplicative margin,loss function,face recognition,embedded devices
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