Scanning drift tube measurements and kinetic studies of electron transport in CO


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We present scanning drift tube measurements of electron swarm transport coefficients in CO as a function of the reduced electric field E/N at room temperature under time-of-flight conditions. The measurements are compared to modeling results and other available experimental data on swarm transport over the broad range of E/N from 2 Td to 1603 Td. The modeling results are obtained in Monte Carlo simulations and by solving the electron Boltzmann equation using a multi-term approach and the density gradient expansion procedure. We find generally good agreement between the measured and calculated transport coefficients. We propose a strategy to improve the cross-section set used to explain certain discrepancies at lower E/N values. Measurements and calculations of electron transport coefficients under hydrodynamic conditions are complemented by Monte Carlo simulations of electron transport in an idealized steady-state Townsend (SST) setup. The ionization coefficient is calculated as a function of E/N from the spatial density profiles of the electrons and compared to the corresponding values evaluated from the knowledge of the effective ionization frequency, drift velocity and longitudinal diffusion coefficient. Contrary to the traditional views, according to which the spatial relaxation of the mean energy and other transport properties for electrons in molecular gases is most commonly monotonic or quasi-monotonic, we find a "window' of E/N where the SST transport properties of the electrons exhibit oscillatory behavior as they relax towards the equilibrium state far downstream from the electron emitting boundary.
electron swarm transport coefficients,drift tube measurements,Boltzmann equation,Monte Carlo simulation,kinetic theory and computations
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