Numerical Solution of Radiative and Dissipative Flow on Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid Model via Infinite Vertical Plate with Thermo-Diffusion and Diffusion-Thermo Effects


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This research presents mathematically developed model to examine non-Newtonian Casson fluid flow in the existence of radiation, Ohmic dissipation, thermo-diffusion and diffusion-thermo over infinite vertical plate domain. Using similarity transformations, the governing partial derivative related to fluid model is transmuted to ordinary derivative equations and then solved computationally by adopting Runge-Kutta method via shoot-ing quadrature in mathematical software MAPLE. The impacts of various considered effects were assed and solutions for momentum velocity profiles, heat transfer energy and mass transfer concentration profiles are investigated via graphical presentation. The outcomes show that radiation and magnetic field increased heat distribution and improvement in yield stress through an enhancement in Casson term reduces the flow speed. Presence of Cross diffusion terms has remarkable impact on thermal and solutal profiles. Further, numerical IP: On: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 16:20:18 significances of engineering quantities such as skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are pro -Copyright: American Scientific Publishers vided in tabular form. Finally, to justify the outcomes of this study, a resemblance is taken with earlier published Delivered by Ingenta works and found there is good correlation.
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Key words
Cross Diffusion,Heat Dissipation,Ohmic Dissipation,Thermal Radiation,Non-Newtonian Casson Fluid,Infinite Plate
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