Cognitive behavioral interventions in adolescents with adhd: systematic review

Lizbeth Gonzalez Espejel, Norma Angelica Ortega Andrade,Jorge Alberto Guzman Cortes,Andromeda Ivette Valencia Ortiz,Ruben Garcia Cruz


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most frequent neurodevelopmental disorder in a clinical con-text that begins in childhood and prevails in adolescence, with significant functional, personal, and social impact; Therefore, the studies that address it have also increased, including psychological interventions, among which is the cognitive behavioral model. The objective of the article is to review the psychological research that addresses the cognitive behavioral approach carried out in adolescents with ADHD to know the methodology and techniques used in the last 10 years. Information was compiled from articles in the national and international literature on interventions in adolescents with ADHD, in the population between 12 and 19 years of age. Articles from 2012 to 2021 were iden-tified in various search engines such as Medline/PubMed, Scopus, SciELO, Google Scholar, and the Virtual Health Library. A total of 378 articles were identified, and 15 were selected by applying inclusion criteria. All the articles invol-ved adolescents with ADHD undergoing cognitive beha-vioral treatment. It was found that there are few treatments in adolescents compared to those carried out in children, so health professionals are required to adapt specific treatments to the needs of the population. Due to its effecti-veness, it is recommended to include cognitive behavioral treatments in ADHD, including executive functions and the participation of parents and teachers.
ADHD,cognitive behavioral therapy,adolescents,contro-lled studies
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