Conservative management of iatrogenic vena cava pseudoaneurysm


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Background: infrarenal cava vein (ICV) pseudoaneurysms are an infrequent pathology, without standardized treat-ment. Most secondary to abdominal trauma and may associate arterial injuries. Presenting a mortality of 20-57 %, which has not been reduced, despite advances in treatment. Iatrogenic IVC injuries can develop retroperitoneal hematomas and pseudoaneurysms. Its management must be individualized, with options such as conservative, surgical or endovascular.Case report: a 23-year-old male with complex congenital heart disease was admitted due to out-of-hospital syncope with subsequent atrial flutter and hemodynamic instability. During the ablation procedure, he presented hemorrhagic shock requiring doses of vasoactive drugs and massive transfusion. After stabilizing the patient, an abdominal angio-CT was performed, visualizing an IVC-dependent retroperitoneal hematoma with no signs of active bleeding. Given the patient's comorbidity and hemodynamic stability, conservative treatment and radiologi-cal control were implemented. CT angiography at 15 days shows IVC pseudoaneurysm. It was decided to maintain a conservative attitude, withdraw anticoagulation and periodic check-ups. Remaining stable, discharge is decided, with close monitoring. At the two months check-up, complete resolution of the pseudoaneurysm is observed. Discussion: given the complexity of the pathology, the patient's hemodynamic stability and comorbidities, con-servative management was chosen, without ruling out other therapeutic options if presented with clinical or radiological worsening. The treatment of IVC pseudoaneurysm must be individualized, prioritizing the patient's symptoms and stability and monitoring the evolution of the lesion with close radiological control.
Pseudoaneurysm,Inferior cava vein,Endovascular,Conservative,management
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