On wsq-primary ideals


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We introduce weakly strongly quasi-primary (briefly, wsq-primary) ideals in commutative rings. Let R be a commutative ring with a nonzero identity and Q a proper ideal of R . The proper ideal Q is said to be a weakly strongly quasi-primary ideal if whenever 0 ≠ ab ∈ Q for some a, b ∈ R , then a 2 ∈ Q or b ∈√(Q) . Many examples and properties of wsq-primary ideals are given. Also, we characterize nonlocal Noetherian von Neumann regular rings, fields, nonlocal rings over which every proper ideal is wsq-primary, and zero dimensional rings over which every proper ideal is wsq-primary. Finally, we study finite union of wsq-primary ideals.
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Key words
primary ideal,weakly primary ideal,quasi-primary ideal,weakly 2-prime ideal,strongly quasi-primary ideal
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