Mapping Priority Areas for Connectivity of Yellow-Winged Darter (Sympetrum flaveolum, Linnaeus 1758) under Climate Change


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The yellow-winged darter (Sympetrum flaveolum Linnaeus, 1758, Odonata), which is associated with high mountain areas, can be considered a flagship species. Due to climate change, its natural range will be negatively affected. In this study, we propose global potential distributions for this species up to the year 2100, considering four time periods (2021-2040, 2041-2060, 2061-2080, and 2081-2100) and three shared socioeconomic pathways (optimistic-SSP245, middle of the road-SSP370, and worst-SSP585), by using an ecological niche model to produce two sets of distribution models (80% to 100% and 60% to 100%). It is foreseen that in the worst of the considered climate scenario (SSP585- 2100 year), the distribution of this species could be reduced by almost half, which could pose a risk for the species and provoke the shift from vulnerable to endangered. An analysis of connectivity has also been carried out for all the studied scenarios by applying the MSPA and PC indices, showing that the core habitat of this species will become more important, which is consistent with the decrease in the distribution range. Over time, the importance of the most valuable connectors will increase, implying a greater risk of some populations becoming isolated.
ecological connectivity,climate change,MSPA,ecological niche modeling,PC index,dragonfly,Odonata
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