Phase-separated bienzyme compartmentalization as artificial intracellular membraneless organelles for cell repair


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Implanting artificial organelles in living cells is capable of correcting cellular dysfunctionalities for cell repair and biomedical applications. In this work, phase-separated bienzyme-loaded coacervate microdroplets are established as a model of artificial membraneless organelles in endothelial dysfunctional cells for the cascade enzymatic production of nitric oxide (NO) with a purpose of correcting cellular NO deficiency. We prepared the coacervate microdroplets via liquid-liquid phase separation of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes, in which glucose oxidase/horseradish peroxidase-mediated cascade reaction was compartmented. After the coacervate microdroplets were implanted in NO-deficient dysfunctional cells, the compartments maintained a phase-separated liquid droplet structure, which facilitated a significant enhancement of NO production in the dysfunctional cells. The recovery of NO production was further exploited to inhibit clot formation in blood plasma located in the cell suspension. This demonstrated a proof-of-concept design of artificial organelles in dysfunctional cells for cell repair and anticoagulation-related medical applications Our results demonstrate an approach for the construction of coacervate droplets through phase separation for the generation of artificial membraneless organelles, which can be designed to provide an array of functionalities in living organisms that have the potential to be used in the field of cell engineering and medical therapy.
artificial membraneless organelles,coacervate microdroplets,nitric oxide,liquid-liquid phase separation,cell repair
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