Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Figures 1 through 7 from Differentiated State of Initiating Tumor Cells Is Key to Distinctive Immune Responses Seen in H-Ras<sup>G12V</sup>–Induced Squamous Tumors

Michael A. Podolsky,Jacob T. Bailey,Andrew J. Gunderson, Carrie J. Oakes, Kyle Breech,Adam B. Glick


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Supplementary Table 1: Primers used for genotyping and qRT-PCR. Supplementary Figure 1: Establishment of murine models of targeted H-RasV12G to basal and suprabasal layers of the epidermis. Supplementary Figure 2: Leukocyte infiltration into K14Ras and InvRas tumors correlates with tumor number and basal cell proliferation. Supplementary Figure 3: Cytokine expression and MDSC suppression assays display distinct immunosuppressive phenotypes in K14Ras mice. Supplementary Figure 4: CD8 or CD8 + B Cell transfers do not restore Rag1+/+ tumor counts or B cell phenotypes. Supplementary Figure 5: Adoptive co-transfer of CD4 T Cells and B cells selectively restores Rag1+/+ cytokine expression. Supplementary Figure 6: Dendritic Cell activity in hyperplastic skin or SDLNs does not significantly contribute to the overall Ras-induced immune response. Supplementary Figure 7: Adoptively transferred B cells migrate directly to the tumor microenvironment following Ras activation.

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