Phytodiversité et séquestration de carbone des parcs agroforestiers à Borassus aethiopum Mart. (Arecaceae) en zone soudano-sahélienne du Cameroun

Delphine Dongock Nguemo,Guidawa Fawa, Mal Ali Greima,Pierre Marie Mapongmetsem


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Borassus aethiopum, better known as the African dwarf palm, is a recognized tropical species in Africa. It is of great importance for the ecological balance and plays a multifunctional role for the communities surrounding the parks. This study aims to assess the floristic richness and carbon sequestration capacity of these parks in the district of Poli in the North Cameroon region. Ethnobotanical surveys and floristic inventories were carried out in three villages. Five sites, two cultivated and three fallow, were sampled. Allometric and cylinder volume equations were used to estimate the amount of carbon. The populations of the Vallée de rôniers are aware of the benefits they derive from these parks. The regeneration of this essence is done naturally. Fallowed areas are more diverse (31 species) and denser (317 stems per hectare) compared to cultivated areas (25 species, 123 stems per hectare density). The cultivated plots, however, have larger basal areas (11.24 square meter). Five species show high ecological importance indices (Borassus aethiopum, Piliostigma thonningii, Entada africana, Adansonia digitata, Sarcocephalus latifolius, Ficus sycomorus, Annona senegalensis). The park sequesters an average of 86.65 tons of carbon per hectare. The ecological and economic value linked to this quantity of carbon is 317.72 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare and 1766535 FCFA respectively. The value of this species contributes to the subsistence of populations and is an asset for its conservation and rational management. These parks are important reservoirs of biodiversity and play a fundamental role in meeting the needs of the local population.agroforestry parks, Borassus aethiopum, floristic diversity, carbon stock, Cameroon
Cameroun,diversité floristique,stock de carbone,parcs agroforestiers,Borassus aethiopum
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