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Digital holographic interferometry as a method for analyzing laser-induced microdilation process

A. Gotte,R. Alarcon Lasagno, C. Beltrame, G. Romero, F. Vincitorio,A. Ramil,A. J. Lopez


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This paper presents the use of digital holography interferometry applied to the study of microdilation process. The optical setup with the use of CCD cameras allowed to obtain interferograms on different study objects, whereas a localized thermal load was induced by a 5.5 W 405 nm laser. This study was done over two samples with different thermal conductivity in order to calibrate this process. The main objective of this work was to understand the thermomechanical response on LED based illumination devices due to the transition in the on-off process. The results show that these kind of lamps function under mechanical stress because of the different dilation process of each component of the device.
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interferometry, dilation, LED
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